Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cathy on hand sculpture

Cathy on hand sculpture, originally uploaded by safoocat.

This is a beautiful sculpure and is an ideal place for a portrait.
Cathy honors me with a pose. The DimageZ2 delivers.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

goodnight 1 10 08

goodnight 1 10 08
Originally uploaded by safoocat
every once in awhile it's nice to put up a self portrait

moss on wood 1 12 08

moss on wood 1 12 08
Originally uploaded by safoocat
even in winter there is growth and life

Olds 98 21/365

Olds 98 21/365, originally uploaded by safoocat.

This old rusty car was found in Sunnyvale, CA and this photo
was taken with the Vistaquest vq1005 key chain camera.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Aloe the healing plant

The color is unbelievable. The setting sun lit this plant up like Christmas tree ornaments. A great way to end the day near Lighthouse Field in Santa Cruz, CA.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Change of Camera

I've noticed the colors with the Vistaquest are much more vibrant and the effect more etherial that with the Canon so I'm going to use it for my main camera and the Rebel for special situations that require either a long lens, or a macro lens or a faster shutter or a flash.

This bleeding saw mill is an example of the richness achieved with the Vistaquest that just is not there with the Canon at least not without any filters that I have.

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