Sunday, October 01, 2006

First Rain of the Season

The Morning Glories that Cathy planted out front presented us with their first flower today, a Heavenly Blue.

Today caught us unprepared for rain and it came but a light one. We scrambled to cover up things in the yard and bring other things in to keep them dry. It was only a sprinkle but a warning that we better get ready so tomorrow we will work on tarping the front and back porches, something we do each year to keep them dry.

We also need to buy a large drop cloth to cover the gazebo as the regular tarps are too heavy for the light frame, make it sag, then it catches water and collapses under the weight like it did last year.

This beautiful Nasturtium also shines with the first rain.

Photos by Cathy

1 comment:

Michelle Ress said...

Hi Steve,

My updates have been lagging since the news wasn't that great. We got the Lazy Daze back from the shop and they say it has a blown head gasket. Then the rains came and it leaked in two places so now it has a tarp over it.

Take care,

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