Saturday, October 10, 2009
Testimony to Diet
The last couple of days I've decided to listen to my body and eat whatever it indicated to me that it wants. Face it any particular diet involves the ego. Being imperfect beings the ego is also going to be imperfect so my thinking is if I follow my instincts that will take the ego out of the equation and may give me just what I need as far as food.
There is so much information out there and we don't know the motivation behind the people putting it out. For instance cholesterol, they come out with some numbers, call them ideal, and then sell you drugs to bring your numbers into their ideal range. My pharmacist told me our brains are made out of cholesterol and that we need it. So who do you believe?
I was drinking the soy milk and even came to tolerate it but this morning dug deep in the pantry for that can of evaporated milk that has been there for two years, opened it up and put some in my coffee with some brown sugar and wow, was that ever better tasting that the soy which I was just able to tolerate. Sometimes you just have to believe your taste buds.
BTW, who says that living longer is better than enjoying life to the fullest or that they're mutually exclusive? Is there a shortage of people? What is the carrying capacity of the planet? If we are eternal what's the point of trying to stretch life to the ultimate amount of minutes anyway? Doesn't that simply slow down your evolving?
I'm 67 and look younger in spite of having hepatitis C so I think I'm doing something right by eating a mixed diet involving all food groups.
I'd like to add that after four days of UT on my feet the thick callouses on my heals are nearly gone. It's like a miracle I put my feet in a rectangular plastic pan in the morning and pee in it and let them soak a bit, then step into my slippers without rinsing the feet.
Michelle Ress Felton, CA
I release my fear about death. If I am
eternal, then death is no more than
waking up from a dream.
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