Friday, September 25, 2009

Heal Thy Self

From Michelle's album

I feel I'm on a very spiritual journey and believe a lot of it has to do with creative visualization and positive affirmations
such as:
All the power and presence in the Universe is right where I am. I am always in a state of perfect equilibrium because I am receptive to the divine truth around me and in me.

I just got my viral load reading and it's 58 and that is down from 8560 in April.

For me that indicates that I'm doing something right:
better diet
take off excess weight
quit any bad habits (alcohol in my case)
take the usual herbs and supplements
drink only distilled water
get plenty of rest
don't stress
positive affirmations
mental imagining
colloidal silver (make my own)
urine therapy (I drank my first urine the day before this viral load test)
adequate exercise (we disconnected the cable tv so no more of that trash)
loving family (Cathy I love you)
sleeps with dogs and a cat who are aiding in healing me
listen regularly to my HCV meditation CD
spend a lot of time on internet learning all I can
keeping an open mind
willing to try many alternative paths looking for the right one for me

This is what I meant awhile back by the hard way as opposed to standard
treatment where you take your medicine. Sure you may feel lousy but you don't have to exert yourself to do such things as change your diet, lose, weight, drink your urine, concentrate your mind to fight the virus with the power of your intellect, giving up your favorite drinks, going to bed early, spending the morning juicing fruits and vegetables, spending your hard earned money on distillers, colloidal silver generators, juicers, water meters, healthy food, and supplements.

All those items listed above take a lot of will power, effort, and commitment.
You must also believe. I believe. (thank you Suzanne Blind Owl)

Before April I was just going along my merry way getting fat, becoming lazy, taking the medicine prescribed to me, not paying any attention to my health because I didn't really even believe I had HCV then the ALT and AST readings went up. Whether that was due to the cholesterol meds themselves or in combination with my coasting along don't do anything that takes will power lifestyle no one will really ever know.

But this I do know. We can heal ourselves but it's very hard work.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Fall Rant

This afternoon I was entering the results from my VA lab work into a spreadsheet and noticed that back in April they tested me for amphetamines, marijuana, barbiturates, cocaine, and opiates.
When I saw that I got upset as I don't recall giving informed consent.
I feel violated.
If they wanted to know why didn't they just ask?

This is why people are leery about universal health care.
We don't want the government snooping in our body chemistry.
This is why it is necessary to end the insane war on some drugs.
Ending the war on illegal drugs like opium will also change the tide of the war in Afghanistan.
That war is unwinnable.
No invading army that destroys fields of flowers can ever take the moral high ground.
If God hadn't wanted us to use opiates S/he wouldn't have given us opiate receptors. Duh!
Ending the war on drugs and disbanding the DEA would also pay for universal health care and we wouldn't have so many folks in prison for the crime of getting high.

Actually ending the war on drugs would deflate Al Qaeda as they wouldn't be able to get drug money any more. We have a lot of nerve pushing alcohol and tobacco while at the same time jailing people for poppies and pot. How ludicrous, how lame, how hypocritcal. Makes me lose all faith in some government policies.

I've since found out that the tox screen is a standard proceedure to see if a person is a proper candidate for treatment. So now I've got to wonder why they didn't also screen me for alcohol and tobacco.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Jason putting up new rain gutters

Thanks Jason

A pocket knife given to me by Stacey Schaedler.
Thanks Stacey

Thursday, September 17, 2009


"Drink water from your own cistern,
flowing water from your own well."
(The Book of Proverbs 5:15)

This is a picture of me,with Amanada. It's several years old. Amanda has gone on to the Bridge but she lives on in our hearts.

Rant on coffee:

May I suggest you don't consider coffee a vice.
Consider it medicine and get on with the healing.
Drinking good coffee is a virtue, not a vice.

It's just like anything else we attatch a label too like "illegal drugs" are "bad"
to me illegal drugs are good. Their very illegality gives them a aura of virtue
and the implicit message is that if illegal drugs are bad then legal drugs are good but look at alcohol and tobacco. We know they aren't good, yet they're legal, they're bad so by the same logic illegal drugs are good.

Coffee is only bad if abused which is what is happening now with these energy
drinks being goosed with high doses of caffeine. Enjoy your coffee in reasonable doses and consider it part of your healing activities.

ps this message is not intended to stir up any controversy, nor is it intended to heal or treat any condition. These statements have not be verified by the FDA

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lurking Lazy

We took the Lazy Daze to my dermatology appointment at Fort Ord and spent the night so we were there first thing in the morning. It was quite nice. Here is a picture of us parked out where the pickle weed grows:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

UT Don't Bug Me About It!

I'll try nearly anything once and have been using CS (colloidal silver) since April after it cured my death bed dog. I hadn't noticed any improvement in myself and am having a blood test tomorrow to compare with the one I had in April though they say the ALT, AST, and viral load readings yoyo and don't mean much wrt what is happening in your liver anyway.

But this post is about something new for me, urine therapy. Yesterday on this list (4colloidalsilver) UT was suggested as being helpful so I spent much of the rest of the day reading up on it. This morning I had a spoonful or so of my first pee upon rising and my instant reaction was "this is too salty" For years I've dealt with a salt addiction and high blood pressure. My pee tasted like salty chicken soup and I did have chicken for dinner so the biofeedback was instantaneous. I'll cut back on salt now where before tasting my own salty pee it wouldn't have happened. That one taste did more for me than any amount of other convincing could possibly do to get me to cut back my salt consumption.

Next I found myself drinking a whole glass of distilled water, something I never do that early in the morning, I got rid of my salty hot sauce and can only invision my salt consumption going down as I fine tune my body with the feedback from the urine tasting. I'm sure more will be revealed with continued consumtion like a cook fine tuning a recipe.

Beyond that I am wired. Usually it's 3pm before I even get moving; this morning I've got more energy than I've had in years. Part of that could be that we are going out for an overnight in the motorhome today, something we haven't done in a long time but I attribute it mainly to the urine therapy.

Does anyone else have any input on this subject?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

We survived 9/11 hurray!

Wonder how a storm would be in the treehouse? I've ridden out a few storms in the boat and they are exciting for sure and the long ones can wear you down. It's morning here and the weather predicts rain but I doubt even a drop will hit the ground. I don't know where they get their weather info for this area but it is rarely correct.

Just made another blog post, trying to document what's going on in my life Put a picture of me with Pride the parakeet sitting on my head two years ago. That bird got cat ate, should have gave it away or let it lose, sigh.

Anyhow got a bark collar yesterday and it came with a dead battery so I complained and am waiting to see if they refund me 6.95 the cost of the battery or not. May not find out until Monday when the weekend is over but that's alright. I ordered two batteries on amazon and paid for them with my gift certificate from my amazon visa card.

It could rain today since we have the front porch tarp removed, murphy's law, and all.

We're having grilled salmon for dinner, got them in the clearance fish dept at safeway yesterday while picking up the meatloaf. Another way we keep our grocery bill low besides the lowest prices list is to not buy something unless it's on sale except for necessities because I've learned that if I break down and buy something it will go on sale right after that and I'll be bummed so better to just not buy it in the first place and I really don't like Costco coupons.

Instead of taking a shower last night I cleaned off with Cetaphil, are you familiar with that? it's real nice lotion to clean your skin. Follow it with a damp wash cloth.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Where did the summer go?

What does something require for you to consider it proof?
For instance if I were to cure myself would you consider that proof?
I'm not even sure I would consider it proof because I don't know if it could
be replicated. However I will say this. If I cure myself I will blog it and
detail it in the best manner I can so that others can benefit from it and
if I fail I'll blog that as well. Have you searched the blogs for people that have
fought and defeated HCV.

I'm keeping my thoughts in my smyress blog but it's hardly HCV specific
since I dont want my entire life to rotate around a virus. It's one part of me
like the Demodex folliculorum that live on my eyelashes or the flora
that lives in my intestine. I just want to keep it all in check, balance
if you will.

A lot like the email in my inbox. If there is the proper amount that's fine
but when there is too much I get overwhelmed and that's the time to call
in the delete key and change my settings. I do the same with my life.

Any success I have will hardly qualify as proof of anything more than that one
person succeeded and those who have cured HCV before us on their own
have likely woodworked themselves and vanished. (slipped into the woordowrk, opposite to coming out of the woordwork)

Have a council meeting. To that meeting invite the part of yourself that wants to do the right thing to heal your body. Invite the part of yourself that has other priorities and doesn't have the long view. Invite your liver to the council meeting. Invite any healing symbols and allies to the council meeting.

In council discuss what needs to be done for the long view, the healing plan. See things from the point of view of your liver. Ask your liver how it feels about every act your body does and factor that into your actions.

Love your body, it is the home to your spirit. Thank if for all things it does right, take care of it, trust your higher instincts. Focus on your breathing, make every inhalation an intake of healing energy and every exhalation a discharge of waste and toxins.

Forgive yourself, forget the past, look at the now.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Sunday Brunch

The other day standing under the stars I had a glimpse of myself in relation to the cosmos. I saw how tiny I was in relation to the vastness of it all then saw how tiny the virus is in relation to the human body.

From there my mind drifted to the idea that humans are a virus to the earth infecting nature's grandeur as the song goes "they took paradise and put up a parking lot" much like the HCV virus hardens and infects and destroys the liver.

In that sense I came to realize that perhaps the HCV virus is one of earth's ways of protecting itself from humans. At that point I realized the rest of my life I must do good for the earth. I must become the best friend of the earth so that it doesn't have to destroy me as self defense.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

It was the First of September 2009

If I knew I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself.
- Mickey Mantle

Let that be a lesson to all of us. We don't die because we reach a certain age.
We die because we wore out, some of that is natural but much of it depends on how
we treat ourselves during our lives.

Ask yourself whenever you do something, is this a contribution, or an impediment
to longevity.

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