Thursday, September 17, 2009


"Drink water from your own cistern,
flowing water from your own well."
(The Book of Proverbs 5:15)

This is a picture of me,with Amanada. It's several years old. Amanda has gone on to the Bridge but she lives on in our hearts.

Rant on coffee:

May I suggest you don't consider coffee a vice.
Consider it medicine and get on with the healing.
Drinking good coffee is a virtue, not a vice.

It's just like anything else we attatch a label too like "illegal drugs" are "bad"
to me illegal drugs are good. Their very illegality gives them a aura of virtue
and the implicit message is that if illegal drugs are bad then legal drugs are good but look at alcohol and tobacco. We know they aren't good, yet they're legal, they're bad so by the same logic illegal drugs are good.

Coffee is only bad if abused which is what is happening now with these energy
drinks being goosed with high doses of caffeine. Enjoy your coffee in reasonable doses and consider it part of your healing activities.

ps this message is not intended to stir up any controversy, nor is it intended to heal or treat any condition. These statements have not be verified by the FDA

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